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Google Business Profile Score Service

In the crowded digital marketplace, capturing local attention requires more than just existing, you need to thrive on platforms like Google Business Profile (GBP). It's your portal to local dominance, attracting customers and influencing their first impressions. But optimization isn't a one-size-fits-all, it's about understanding your strengths and weaknesses, then fine-tuning them to shine. So, grab your analytical goggles and let's dissect your GBP with four key metrics:


Business Profile Score

This is your overall health check, highlighting areas for improvement like photos, descriptions, categories, and more. Treat it as your roadmap, prioritize tasks based on the impact they'll have on your score. Remember, a higher score equals greater visibility in search results, so every point counts!


Google Post Score

Think of posts as your digital bullhorn, amplifying your voice and announcing news, offers, and events. A strong post score means your content is engaging and relevant, driving clicks and interactions. Optimize with local keywords, eye-catching visuals, and clear calls to action. Consistency is key – post regularly to stay fresh in memory.


Google Review Score

This is your social currency, demonstrating trust and credibility. Encourage genuine reviews by providing exceptional customer service. Respond promptly and professionally to all reviews, acknowledging both praise and addressing concerns. Remember, negative reviews, handled well, can actually strengthen your image by showcasing transparency and responsiveness.


Similar Listings

Know your competition! Analyze similar businesses in your area to understand their strengths and weaknesses. See what keywords they're using, what kind of content they're posting, and how they're engaging with customers. Use these insights to differentiate yourself, highlighting your unique offerings and emphasizing what makes you the local champion.

Claim your Google My Business category wisely! Choose the one that best represents your core business, as it influences searches. Research popular keywords related to your category and weave them into your profile organically.

By following these tips and utilizing the four key metrics as your compass, you'll navigate the optimization landscape with ease, ultimately claiming your rightful place as the local king (or queen)!


Bonus Tip

Claim your Google My Business category wisely! Choose the one that best represents your core business, as it influences searches. Research popular keywords related to your category and weave them into your profile organically. By following these tips and utilizing the four key metrics as your compass, you'll navigate the optimization landscape with ease, ultimately claiming your rightful place as the local king (or queen)!

Business We Have Helped! See reviews from some of our clients and business
we have helped achieve a better ORM score.


Wael Salama @ DigitalBTI has impressed me with his knowledge in the area of search engine optimization and even more so with the way he handled a brewing dispute with another business associate that was trying to take advantage of his good will.

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Paul Tidwell


Wael Salama @ Digital BTI never failed to amaze me with his great qualities, his integrity and hard work, creativity and determination to succeed, and mostly, his sincerity. Top qualities: Personable, Expert, Good Value

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William Bichara


Wael Salama @ Digital BTI is a very professional person. He builds excellent rapport with people and he pays very close attention to details. Wael has very good business skills and understands the importance of structuring deals in a manner that both his partners and clients are financially benefited on long-term basis.

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Ritesh Wadhwa

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